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Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
"I believe that one of the next great moves of God is going to be through Believers in the marketplace"  ~ Billy Graham ~
Christian Business Festival - Bill Graham
Copyright 2008 Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
Christian Business Festival
The Christian Business Expo provides an excellent opportunity to promote and advertise your products and services.
  • Sell your products and services to the diverse Christian community and the general public.
  • Network with Christians in business, media and ministry.
  • Grow your database and interact with your target audience on a one on one basis.
for exhibitors:
Request the Christian Business Festival: 2009
Exhibitor Packet & Application

See what exhibitors are saying about the
Christian Business Festival: 2009

See Exhibitors & Partners at the
Christian Business Festival: 2009

Contact us today if you have any question or
would like more information.

  What makes the Christian Business Festival unique?

  We are not just another yellow-page publication or EXPO but a networking opportunity for Christian businesses and Christians that emphasizes trust as the central ethic of our organization. To ensure this high standard, all businesses that participate in the Christian Business Festival have the opportunity to sign the following Statement of Faith:

"I have received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and my desire is to live my life for His Glory. I have been born again according to John 3:3 which states, "...except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." I pledge to hold the highest Biblical code of ethics in my transactions. It is my ambition to treat my clients with the utmost respect and integrity."

  In this way, Christian families can rely on the Christian Business Festival to identify trustworthy businesses.

  Along with making a Statement of our Faith, here are a few additional benefits you'll receive when you join our local family of advertisers:
-Reach thousands of families with your message
-Show your desire to serve GOD through your business
-Distinguish your business from your competition by standing for principles that count
-Opportunities to network with other Believers in business
-Reach Christian consumers online 24/7
-Become nominated as a Christian Business Favorite and later voted by Christians for the top 10 Christian Business Favorites in your area.
-Utilize our affordable rates and options for all business types and sizes
  As a Christian who loves the LORD, you recognize that your business belongs to HIM and that it is your privilege and obligation to serve others. Galatians 6:10 directs that service ...'especially to the household of Faith'. If this is your desire, we then look forward to working with you now and for many years to come.
Below you will find additional information packages and registration packets to will help you to take the next step towards becoming a trusted Christian Business Festival Advertiser. 

Who should exhibit?
  • Christian owned businesses  (large or small).
  • Any size or type non profit or for profit Christian organizations.
  • Local churches who wish to reach out to people who may be searching for a new church.  Ideal opportunity for local churches to showcase their programs to the public.
  • Ministry organizations.
  • Christian schools and Bible Colleges.
  • Christian media organizations.
  • Charity organizations.
  • Christian music singers or groups.
Institutions, agencies, and businesses who provide products, services and support to the Christian community are also invited to participate.
Online directory of Christian owned businesses and organizations.
Christian Business Favorite - Best of
Date & Place
Spring 2009
10:00am - 4:00pm

Christian Business Festival
Spring 2009
for your chance
$50 Gift Card.
Christian Business Directory, Event Info, Exhibitors and Partners, Buy Tickets, For Exhibitors, For Churches and Pastors, Christian Business Favorites, Contact us,
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Deleware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, California, Northeast, Long Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island City, Jamaica Queens, New York City, Manhattan, Christian Expo, Christian Business Festival, NY, LI, Long Island Christian Directory, Christian Businesses on Long Island, Christian Business Directory, Christian Network, Expo, Christian Business Marketplace, Christian Network,

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